Turnaco helps you to find your way through life. Personally and in business. Based on our Work/Life Balance Building Blocks®, we help you to make the right decisions that make you successful AND happy. 

The best way to move away from troubles and problems is forward. You decide in which direction. Let positive thinking help you to get the best life-work balance possible. Turnaco offers special programs for individual people as well as for small and medium companies.

"The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible." Winston Churchill

Our Work/Life Balance Building Blocks® exist of:

  • Behave with the Forever H.A.P.P.I.N.E.S.S. Formula© 
  • Build with the Superior S.U.C.C.E.S.S. System© 
  • Balance with All you can eat TAPAS Recipe©
  • Become with the Health, Weath & Love Generator©

Get a free review of your business plan today and let me help you to find yourself in your plan. How will this businessplan make YOU successful AND happy? 

Within our Work/Life Balance Building Blocks® we work with our All you can eat TAPAS Recipe® to make businessplans for doing business with a positive attitude and positive results that will lead to success AND happiness. Contact us for information or help. Or order our Balance Building Book online.


To have a quick and easy start in improving your life and business we teach you to implement the 4 D's. In only one day you will learn to change the way you live in 4 easy steps. After having used the 4 D's for some time you can easily step up to the
Work/Life Balance Building Blocks® training.
